MPD Division Elevator Pitch Contest

Mineral & Metallurgical Processing Division

Calling all mineral processing students! The Mineral & Metallurgical Processing Division (MPD) of SME is starting a new student contest this year.

The MPD Elevator Pitch Contest is an opportunity to practice your speaking skills while explaining the interesting projects you completed as part of an internship, co-op, design team, or research project. The contest will be held in the fall, and the top-ranking participants will receive cash awards and be featured in a future MPD virtual engagement event. If you are interested or have questions, please reach out to the contest chair, Aaron Noble, at

Thank you to our exclusive sponsors, the Nevada MPD! Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration


The elevator pitch contest is held in two phases. In the first phase, you will submit a short letter of intent that expresses your desire to join the contest, describes the nature of your presentation (such as design project, internship, research project) and explains your key takeaway message. In this phase, you are encouraged to discuss the content with your supervisor to ensure you have the proper approvals. Your supervisor can also provide guidance on the video format and content. In the second phase, you record a short elevator pitch where you explain your research, internship, or other experience to a nontechnical audience – in a manner similar to a casual conversation on the elevator. The suggested length of the video is 4 minutes, roughly allocated per the outline given below. Videos will be judged based on clarity, technical content, and presentation skill.


  • Be creative! We strongly discourage the use of PPT slides as a backdrop. The focus of the talk should be YOU and YOUR EXPERIENCE. Our instruction is intentionally vague, as we want to encourage your creativity.
  • The content must be related to mineral or metallurgical processing (we are the MPD division, after all…). Otherwise, there is no restriction on what you can present.
  • Consider outlining your presentation with roughly the following breakdown:
    1. Introduce yourself and your company/project. What is the “big picture” objective or mission. Best to start with a “hook.” (~30 seconds)
    2. Explain your specific role. Explain the problem or challenge that you faced. (~1 minute)
    3. Introduce your solution. What makes your experience unique? (~1 minute)
    4. Explain the benefit/value. What was the outcome? What lessons did you learn? (~1 minute)
    5. End with a key takeaway or call to action. (~30 seconds)
  • Have fun!


Awards will include: $1,000 for 1st; $500 for 2nd; $200 for 3rd to 5th, and $125 for up to 10 additional non-placing participants.

Submission Details and Timeline

Both the letter of intent and the video can be submitted by email to:

Letter of intent: due October 1
Video: due November 1
Winners announced: early December